Wooow ga berasa ya udah 24 tahun. Ane dulu tkg kejang-kejang di the lounge gan terus klonengan ane jg :ngakak
Hi.. this is my first thread using english languange and i'm still learning english. I need your correction when i get mistakes in this thread. Actually confused with grammar. Hahha. Okay please check it out! Well, i just wanna say that i feel different with our relationship. I dont know why this h
Jadi terjemahan yang tepat itu yang dibold ya? kayanya maksudnya gan Alvin dia berusaha memberikan definisi gnarled itu sendiri gan, dengan kasih makna dr 1 sentence :) tapi itu elaborate version gan :bingungs
Nice, Thanks banget gan pencerahannya, jadi kita harus do something with passion ya. Siap gan, insyaallah saya terapin😁 ya itu dari point of view gw sih, gw masuk jadi mahasiswa Metalurgi 9 tahun yg lalu :o jadi ya percayalah ;) kejar apa yg lu mau, lo belom 20 tahun kan ? :D oh iya penting
Take it easy bro :ngakak Btw, thanks for your correction. It seems there's only a little difference between mine and yours, but that's not significant, I guess. I gonna change mine based on your correction. Looking at your first sentence, this -> "The development of current space technolo
Its "Kenaikan Isa Almasih" Halo kaka Desy ;);) ah, got it. I wonder why there was nothing in other countries hmm :bingungs
Black bold 1 & 3 : I forgot this is just a little part of my abstract. But let's just move on from it :hammer: I use clarity since it means : Kejelasan. Does it making sense? blue bold : Yes, I did wrote it by myself. I actually understand but it lacks of information. I should put extra sen
Hahaha yes, its free day i can sleep much longer time LoL:ngakaks In here the weather so hot Rhaz, btw where u lived? that's nice ;) so you enjoyed yesterday relaxing all day? what free day is it actually? Some friends who live in Indo said that it was a holiday yesterday, I wonder what kind of
Morning oneesan :malu Sure :malu: Welcome :ultahhore Gooney is here :wowcantik Do you miss me, kaka Ara ;);) Uncleee Im sleepy :insomnia Im hungry oom :mewek hi Cinderella! how you doing? :p
Morning rhaz:sun: I woke up right now, but i need more sleep again:insomnia So what plan for today? Just woke up? It's quite late :kagets: The plan is no plan :ngakaks Normal day, going to the office, meeting with client via telecon, then go home prolly :( The weather is annoying, weather fore
Yes, I'm afraid so :p There's lot of people in this world who engage in sexual intercourse solely taking pleasure out of it. No emotional attached, no feelings but lust and pleasure :genit Which like I said, it's no relationship at all :malus I know that there are plenty of them. Especially nowad...
That's the upside view on speaking, you just let it out. Come to think of it, confidence also plays an important role here. And it's an issue for those who barely have it. This, what I mean as external factors beside the substantial knowledge in speaking skills I guess I'm a noob there, hahaa. I ...
Anything related to sexual intercourse is imperative to fulfill lust and biological needs. What makes it different however, whether it is as a mean of harmony in a commited relationship or solely taking pleasure out of it. :D why not both :genit: somehow guys are more open to casual sex than women
Ahahaha must be bored yes, stayed 2 hours I'm sleepy and confused after done with quiz in my college:tepar Stayed for extra 2 hours for stupid meeting with EU people :( just sleep then! it's 00:07 here, lemme get some rest then :) c ya tomorrow ;)
All these need transformation in education system. But then again western countries are developed anyway without putting such a lot of efforts into this matter. It will take a lot of time to build such character though I would however differ making love and having sex. Making love is part of th
Then you have no problem with mentality issue. When speaking all those are not needed really. However, it is particularly needed in writing :D Some people lack courage to speak, and that's become concern sometimes :o I did at first, then I got tired of it.. :hammer: I knew that, that's why I suck
Selamat sore, saya calon Maba mamet its. Mau tanya2 seputar jurusan ini Ngelamar pekerjaan kan pakai CV, nah disitu dicantumin ipk, cuma 2 baris doang. Bawahnya ipk itu riwayat riset, skill,pengalaman ,karya tulis dll gitu ya? Tips biar lembar CV penuh 3-4 lembar gimana gan, harus sering2 aktif d...
you gotta be specific with the topic dude, because cars, buses, trains, basically everything with motors are technology :D what about technology for human is it good? I would say it is :) without vehicle you would travel with animals like horses, camels, elephants. it will be hard to do business w
maybe no strings attached sex is for some people, but definitely not for me. I cannot think about my body is getting touched by random male human being, like stranger. One night stand, casual sex, whatever how you wanna call it, is just not for me :hammer: I demand distinction, sex isn't a relation